welcome to my castle




welcome to my castle




welcome to my castle


welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle




welcome to my castle


.welcome to my castle




welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle




welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle


Would you know my name if  I saw you in heaven?

Would it be the same  if  I saw you in heaven?

I must be strong and carry on,

Would you hold my hand  if  I saw you in heaven?

Would you help me stand if  I saw you in heaven?


Beyond the door there's peace I'm sure,
And I know there'll be no more tears in heaven


welcome to my castle




welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



welcome to my castle



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