2)tinenini 引用這篇文章,志在於認為:這就是一般韓國媒體如何處理事件手法的真相.僅供讀者參考,和智勳的事件,並沒有直接關係.
Last weekend, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) sent a letter to President Lee Myung-bak expressing concern about the pressure on the media coming from the South Korean government. Sent in the name of CPJ’s executive director Joel Simon, this letter referred to prosecutors’ arrest of producers and writers for the MBC program “PD Notebook” in late April, and the replacement of “News Desk” anchor Shin Kyung-min, citing these measures in what they described as a broad-ranging effort by the Lee administration to block independent reporting critical of government policy.
上週末,保護記者委員會( CPJ)致函總統李明博,對來自韓國政府施注於媒體的壓力,表示關切。CPJ的執行主任西蒙,以本身的名字發出這封信。
信中提到檢察官在4月下旬,逮捕了MBC電視台節目“ PD手冊”的製作人和撰寫者,和更換“新聞台”主播辛卿民這兩件事件,這些措施,被他們形容為李行政管理組,是為了阻止批評政府政策的獨立報告發佈而做出的廣泛捍衛努力行動。
In order to prevent press controls and the brutal treatment of colleagues by authoritarian governments, this group was formed in 1981. This letter marks the first for South Korea since it came out from under authoritarian government rule. With journalists from around the world confirming that the press situation in South Korea is now sliding back under an authoritarian government influence, it clearly shows how full of fiction the administration’s “advanced nation” platform really is.
The MBC case is not the only example of regression brought up by the committee, which is active in over 120 countries worldwide. Others include the move to amend media-related laws in order to hand over broadcasting powers to the Chosun Ilbo, JoongAng Ilbo and Dong-a Ilbo and to conglomerates, the unresolved situation of journalist dismissals and indictments at YTN, the ramping up of Internet user controls through the expansion of the real name system, attempts to institute laws against online insults, and the intimidation and threats of legal action against investigation into dangerous areas not permitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. But the administration’s efforts to control the media goes far beyond the content mentioned by the CPJ. It is impossible to even list them all, but they also include the plan that started early on in the administration when all possible organs of power were mobilized to seize control of broadcasting and drive out KBS president Jung Yun-ju. It also includes the suppression and pressure, both concrete and abstract, on critical media outlets and indiscriminate attacks on Internet discussion sites such as Agora.
The CPJ refers to these measures as examples of the backwards movement of South Korea and urges President Lee to guarantee that journalists can work without fear of unemployment or political retribution, and that we can gather information without restriction. If President Lee and his administration have any intention to at least maintain the appearance of a democratic government, they should be ashamed of the reality that led to these recommendations and work to remedy it immediately. Press freedom does inconvenience those in power in the short term, but in the long term it becomes the foundation for the nation’s continuous and stable development. Without a free press, human rights and democracy cannot exist.
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請直接把問題或意見傳達於[ englishhani@hani.co.kr ]
Source From: Soompi--tinenini